Monday, August 1, 2011


There has been lots of work going on at JNS Boards, as many of you know I have taken Fatty Fiberglass over from Leslie Anderson. I am happy to say that I glass like a girl, I have been apprenticing with Leslie for the past couple of years and she has been a great teacher. She moved up north (about as far north as possible in the united states) and is stoked on her new life. I am honored that she would pass her business on to me and excited to continue it in Fatty Tradition. We have moved into her old location out highway 20 which is all set up for production, well almost all set up. I spent the day creating a new shaping bay, my friend Dylan and I moved old surfboards and stacks of wood around for hours until a wall was formed. As you can see from the photo there is foam that needs to be mowed. We will add a little paint and throw up some lights and it will be ready to rock(I thought about leaving the walls red for about five second and then opted against it, red is not the new blue). Here are some images from around the shop right now, what fun!

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